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Tell the artist who you are

Grete Ryberg Høgh
Se den geografiske placering

Grete Ryberg Høgh

Welcome, as an artist I am a self-taught person having made drawings and paintings for many years. Furthermore I design figures in stoneware.I am inspired by people and nature but also reactions from the media can sometime find their way into my pictures.I both use acrylic, oil, watercolour and crayon in my works of art.

Creating is experiencing.

Vær den første til at se Grete Ryberg Høgh's nye kunstværker

My works

Det længste ridt af Grete Ryberg Høgh
De usynlige 1 af Grete Ryberg Høgh
De usynlige 2 af Grete Ryberg Høgh
Morning mist af Grete Ryberg Høgh
Mount Everest af Grete Ryberg Høgh
Trunk Dance af Grete Ryberg Høgh

Follow me on the social media

Exhibition Dates


Hillerød kunstdage 29.-31. marts 2019
Ølstykke bibliotek
Lægecentret Ølstykke
Teknologisk Institut
Fa. Anders Andersen
Galleri Brantebjerg
Statens Vejlaboratorium, Roskilde
Statens Vejlaboratorium, København
Aarsløkke Kro, Sjællands Odde
Fa. Masing & Co.
Vallensbæk Biblioteks 25 års jubilæum
Roskilde Bank
Bibliotek Nordmarken
Galleri 2009, censureret, vandt publikumsprisen
Jubilæumsudstilling Vallensbæk Kunstforening
Albertslund Golfklub
AWA-patent A/S
Levins hus i Faaborg
Albertslund Kommunale Kunstforening
Julemarked i Vallensbæk og Roskilde
Fremtidens Borgerhus, fællesudstilling

Contact the artist

Kunstsamlingen simply provides the contact. We have nothing to do with sales and possibly disagreements to make.

!! Your art purchase goes uncut to the artist !!